Black cards look amazing on the computer or your mobile when the designer shows it to you but when you get the print from your local printer its not up to the mark. Lets examine why BLACK cards let you down when it comes to print.
- SIDES are white.
When the designer shows you the card in a digital format he blacks out the edges to give it a premium feel, but unfortunately there is no way to print colour on the sides of the visiting card. Its takes the colour of the paper. So even if we print black on front and back when we cut the card the paper colour white comes on the edges and spoils the look.
- Tonner starts coming off from the edges
Since the black colour is printed on white sheet, over a period of Time the Tonner starts coming out from the edges that’s where its most vulnerable.
And within a few days it gives your card a very shabby / OLD feel
- Its not BLACK BLACk colour but a dull black.
Printers print in CMYK, digital marketing guys show you the picture in RGB format. RGB pops the colours as they use the LED as well as take advantage of the million pixels available on the display screen, where as a printer can only create colours from CYAN, YELLOW, MAGENTA and BLACK inks.
Fortunately there is a solution to these black card problems. We can print on a full black paper so what happen is that when you cut the cards the edges are black and not white. Also since the black is not printed but rather the colour of the paper the Tonner won’t start peeling from the sides. Also to top it off the GOLD foil looks just amazing on black paper
Printing on Black paper is expensive, but its worth it as it creates a WOW and exclusive feeling.
You can see some of the sample works we have done using BLACK cards here.