From 142

Quick Overview

SQUARE PRINT photos are great decorative. Digital pictures often tends to get forgotten in a hard disk or a CD or memory card.

Revive those memories. Its can be pasted anywhere or clipped on a board. you can get creative with these square prints and paste them into different shapes.


  • SQUARE prints standard size is 4inch x 4inch. there will be 5mm white border on the sides.
  • Photos should be square otherwise it would get cropped to that size.
  • Upload all your photos to a google drive folder and send us the google drive link. Dont forget to set the permission to anybody with the link. You can remove this after receiving your print.or compress them and upload the zip file.
  • Printed on Mirror coated Paper with Glossy lamination for extra vibrance.


2-3 working days

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


4inch x 4inch


12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 200

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